Parking Lot Maintenance Services

We have complete parking lot maintenance services at G P Maintenance Solutions to extend the life of your asphalt parking lots. We have worked with many companies both in Honolulu, Oahu and the rest of the state to fix the inevitable problems associated with asphalt paving. Our focus is on your asphalt pavement preservation and all the additional services that go along with that.
Potholes often develop because of damage to your pavement's base course. After your pavement has become oxidized, cracks form and then turn into alligator cracks. These alligator cracks then develop into individual potholes.
We provide several ways to repair potholes
Using a pothole patch: our pothole patch material will last anywhere from several years (depending on vehicular traffic) and prevents water from entering the base course. This allows you more time to permanently fix the pothole by digging it out and compact the base before patching again.
Infrared asphalt repair: We use an infrared machine to heat up the damaged area, dig it out, and then compact the area with new asphalt.
Crack filling
Prevent water damage to your asphalt pavement
Although asphalt is designed to be watertight, water can enter through alligator cracks in your pavement. If water is permitted to reach the base course, it causes the asphalt to flex, creating more cracks and allowing more water into the asphalt and base. Don’t let all that water wash your investment away. Crack fill or crack seal, will maintain the integrity of your pavement and prevent water from penetrating into your base course.
We utilize a special sealant designed for Hawaii’s hot tropical climate, to keep your asphalt intact and prevent water from seeping to the base below. Our sealcoating sealant forms a water tight seal with adjacent asphalt upon application and dries quickly to prevent tires and pedestrians from tracking the sealant across the asphalt. By repairing alligator cracks in your asphalt pavement quickly, you will reduce the potential for moisture to seep into the base course and delay further damage to your asphalt parking lot or road.
Install Speed Bumps, Humps, Parking Blocks, Guard Rail, Bollards & Signs
As part of the complete parking lot maintenance service we can address deficiencies above the asphalt and install the following items to make your parking lot or road safer for drivers & pedestrians:
- Parking blocks (cement, rubber and plastic) - to help designate the boarders of the parking space. Comes in various colors.
- Speed bumps – (plastic & rubber) – to reduce speed in parking lots & roads. Comes in various designs & colors.
- Speed humps (plastic & rubber) reduce speed in parking lots & roads. Not as tall as a speed bump and easier to navigate over. Various colors & designs.
- Parking signs – We will install parking, no parking, handicap, tow away, etc. signs according to MUTCD regulations.
- Traffic signs – We can install stop signs and other traffic signs, posts and break away posts according to MUTCD regulations.
- Guard rail & bollards – We will install guard rails, railings & bollards to designate boarders of the parking area and help protect walls, fire hydrants or pedestrian walkways.
Contact us for an asphalt inspection. We'll visit your site and provide recommendations for how you can best maintain and rejuvenate your asphalt pavement.